Chinese Chamber Music

Chinese Chamber Music, by Fred Candelaria

Chinese Chamber Music

by Fred Candelaria


  • 1989
  • ISBN 978-0-921870-02-9 (0-921870-02-7)
  • 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ Trade Paperback, 56 pages
  • Poetry

Fred Candelaria’s sixth collection of poetry, Chinese Chamber Music evokes a world of tradition, art and great ceremony, a world that excites “blinded touch” and that leads readers “to read the unwritten.” These poems present the world as music, not as problems to be solved. Professor Emeritus at Simon Fraser University, Candelaria founded and then edited The West Coast Review for nearly a quarter of a century.


“Always there with his touch and nuance as a musician . . . a remarkable talent.”
—William Stafford

“What is rare and truthful in these poems is the importance of silence, perhaps the major theme in Candelaria’s work . . . suggesting more than stating, leaving the reader’s mind participating in the creative process.”
—Alexandre Amprimoz

Also by Fred Candelaria: