Eco Warrior

My June - Final Cover

Eco Warrior

by Philip Roy


  • April 2015
  • print ISBN: 978-1-55380-347-8
  • ebook ISBN: 978-1-55380-348-5
  • PDF ISBN: 978-1-55380-349-2
  • Kindle | Kobo
  • 5-1/4″ x 7-5/8″ Trade Paperback, 232 pages
  • Young Reader Novel – Ages 9 to 12



In the seventh volume of the “Submarine Outlaw” series, Alfred takes his homemade submarine into the Southern Ocean to thwart the actions of the Japanese whalers. In Australia, he is mistakenly accused of sabotaging an oil tanker, forcing him to escape to Tasmania. There he meets up with Merwin Hughes, an eccentric environmentalist, and together they travel south. They are followed along the way by a friendly blue whale and her calf, and a bond is established. Soon after, they encounter a tanker on its way to illegally refuel the whalers’ ships. When Captain Paul Watson arrives aboard the Sea Shepherd Society’s flagship, the Steve Irwin, to stop the whalers, Al must first try to save the mother and calf even as he helps Watson fight off the whalers. Al learns that the war to save the planet is being waged by dedicated individuals, each contributing in his or her own way, and that every action, large or small, matters greatly.

Click here to read an excerpt from Eco Warrior.


“Roy adroitly explains environmental activism in a manner that it is comprehensible to readers at any level. Highly recommended!”
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Philip Roy’s Submarine Outlaw Series: