Raking Zen Furrows: Encounters with Japan

Raking Zen Furrows, by Inge Israel

Raking Zen Furrows

Encounters with Japan

by Inge Israel


  • 1991
  • ISBN 978-0-921870-05-0 (0-921870-05-1)
  • 6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 62 pages
  • Poetry

In her fourth volume of poetry, Inge Israel takes the reader on a journey deep into contemporary Japan. She depicts the conflict between the consumerism of industrial life and the luminosity of age-old ceremonies. In the end, the delicate, lyric qualities of Israel’s poems re-establish the patterns of Zen.


“These beautifully crafted poems evoke the spiritual reality of Japan as a Western mind encounters it — a meditation on profound issues of our existence.”
—Henry Kreisel

“Inge Israel writes of a Kyoto of silent rains, of ceremonies in appearance only, of Basho numinous and floating, of evanescence drifting into humblest stone.”
—E.D. Blodgett

Also by Inge Israel: