Railroad of Courage

Railroad of Courage

by Dan Rubenstein & Nancy Dyson


  • September 2017
  • print ISBN: 978-1-55380-514-4
  • ebook ISBN: 978-1-55380-515-1
  • PDF ISBN: 978-1-55380-516-8
  • 5-1/4″ x 7-5/8″ Trade paper, 162 pages
  • Young Reader Novel – Ages 9 and Up



    Born on a cotton plantation in South Carolina, twelve-year-old Rebecca knows only slavery. But when Grower Brown decides to sell her father to a plantation downriver, Rebecca convinces her parents to run away with her on the Underground Railroad to Canada. Led by the famous Harriet “Moses” Tubman, the family hides in coffins, rides a handmade raft through alligator-infested waters, and pumps hand cars across Illinois amidst a blizzard. Escaping federal marshals and bounty hunters isn’t easy, but with the help of freed slaves and abolitionists, Rebecca learns there is more to the world than slavery. Even in challenging moments, she finds courage by reminding herself: “I want to live in freedom. I am travelling from midnight to dawn and I won’t stop until I see the sunrise.”

Click here to read an excerpt from Railroad of Courage.