Second Earth, A: Poems Selected and New

A Second Earth, by Harold Enrico

A Second Earth

Poems Selected and New

by Harold Enrico


  • Autumn 1997
  • ISBN 978-0-921870-53-1 (0-921870-53-1)
  • 6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 184 pages
  • Poetry
  • Out of print

Harold Enrico is a rare poet who combines the deepest traditions of our history, our spirituality, with the colourful imagery of the Pacific Northwest. He has been hailed as a major poetic voice by George Woodcock, praised by Theodore Roethke, and selected by Poetry Chicago and Choice magazine. A Second Earth contains the finest poems from his three earlier collections —Now, A Thousand Years from Now, Rip Current and Dog Star — along with a substantial section of new poems.


“We have had a poet of real magnitude living just over the border without anyone saying much about it.”
—George Woodcock

“Enrico pays homage to artistic community with a mastery which always remains contemporary.”

“His intellect is vital and seemingly fearless.”
Northwest Review

Also by Harold Enrico: