Is This Who We Are? 14 Questions about Québec

Is This Who We Are

Is This Who We Are?

14 Questions about Québec

by Alain Dubuc; translated by Nigel Spencer


  • October 2016
  • print ISBN: 978-1-55380-467-3
  • ebook ISBN: 978-1-55380-468-0
  • PDF ISBN: 978-1-55380-469-7
  • 6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 230 pp
  • Nonfiction, Politics
  • Out of print

This translation into English of Alain Dubuc’s Portrait de famille is an explosive critique that questions the viability of both Québec and the entirety of Canada over the long term. Arguing that the Québécois see themselves through a set of homemade myths developing out of the Quiet Revolution, Dubuc sets about analyzing to what extent these myths are true. How does Québec really stack up culturally, educationally and economically—especially in relation to the other provinces and on the global stage? Many of the hard facts and statistics gathered are eye-opening for us all: Quebec and Canada itself are doing pretty well, Dubuc says, but an economic and social crisis is looming and strong action is needed. Certainly, La Presse’s editorial writer Alain Dubuc knows how to puncture a balloon with the best of them.

Click here to read an excerpt from Is This Who We Are?


“A shrewd and sceptical examination of some of the core beliefs Québécois have regarding their own society. If only someone would do the same for English Canada!”
—Philip Resnick, Professor Emeritus, Political Science, University of British Columbia