Out of the Interior: The Lost Country

Out of the Interior
The Lost Country
by Harold Rhenisch
- Autumn 1993
- ISBN 978-0-921870-23-4 (0-921870-23-X)
- 6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 210 pages
- Autobiography, History
- Out of print
Extending the form of autobiography, Rhenisch explores the immigrant experience in the orchard gardens of the Okanagan. The search for paradise in the new land, its discovery and loss, are portrayed through the experiences of a young boy struggling against the authoritarianism of patriarchy. This is a book that helps to fill a gap in the history of twentieth-century British Columbia. Prose of unrivalled intensity and beauty.
“The best thing to come out of the Okanagan in years.”
—Charles Lillard, Times Colonist“the craggy, co-presence of thought and materiality, a voice that kept taking me off guard & often working unpredictably.”
—Dennis Lee“one of the few whose work looks to interest us over the long term.”
—John Marshall