Popping Fuchsias

Popping Fuchsias
by Robin Skelton
- Autumn 1992
- ISBN 978-0-921870-20-3 (0-921870-20-5)
- 6″ x 9″ Trade Paperback, 162 pages
- Poetry
- Out of print
This impressive collection of new poems shows us Skelton stepping out in a new direction. Moving easily between free verse and closed forms (villanelles, sestinas, sonnets, rondeaus, and even arcane Welsh forms), Skelton addresses family, friends and readers everywhere to create a poetry of presence, a communion through language, in the face of a darkening world.
“Perhaps more than any other Canadian poet, Skelton belongs not to one part but to the whole of the English poetic tradition.”
—George Woodcock“a voice that demands a listener”
—Norman Nicholson