Journeys to the Nearby: A Gardener Discovers the Gentle Art of Untravelling

The words of the title entwined with drawings of animals and plants. The background is watercolour splotches

Journeys to the Nearby: A Gardener Discovers the Gentle Art of Untravelling

by Elspeth Bradbury


    • February 2025
    • print ISBN: 978-1-55380-724-7
    • ebook ISBN: 978-1-55380-725-4
    • 6″ x 7.5″ Trade paper, 240 pages
    • Nature/Gardening

Inspired by adventures of world travellers but unwilling to rack up her fossil fuel consumption, Elspeth sets out with a deep curiosity to explore the world that exists in her own garden.

“I loved this book. Inspiring, timely, and charming, I savoured each exquisite journey.” – Beth Powning, bestselling author of The Sister’s Tale

“Each short, well-written chapter (also well illustrated by Bradbury) offers readers yet another subject to ponder, all giving gardeners a good sense of why their plantings are the world’s oyster.” – Booklist, American Library Association

“Her wry sense of humour, often self-deprecating, makes for a highly-relatable travel guide. Highly recommended!” – BC BookWorld

“Elspeth Bradbury’s entertaining tales show us that adventure and discovery can be as close as a nearby garden. A gentle, happy book that entices us to keep reading.” – Norma Dixon, author of In Deep with the Octopus

“It took me on a trip through a British Columbia homestead, entertaining me with all manner of exotica, illustrated with exquisite, authentic drawings. Bradbury’s gentle humour and perceptive words are exactly what I needed in this time of raucous ranting.” – Nancy Bauer, author of the story collection Hammering at the Door

Told over the course of four seasons this is an inspiring book of the beauty in the small moments of discovery. After spending the winter holidays lazing comfortably with a stack of books by ambitiously adventurous travel writers, Elspeth soon realizes that their derring-do and far-flung, often gas-guzzling exploits, are not her cup of tea. But impressed by their energy she resolves to abandon her recliner to set off on a year-long journey of her own.

With a fresh dose of curiosity and a firm resolve to take her time, Elspeth invites the reader to join her as she ventures out to see the world as it resides in her own backyard. Her tentative efforts to learn the art of untravelling’ become a voyage of discovery and rediscovery as she learns to slow down and observe.

With gentle humour and a warm, intimate and conversational style, Elspeth evokes her world as richly as any travel writer. Enriched by her elegant pen-and-ink drawings, this is a beautiful book for travellers, gardeners and those looking for solace in our overwhelming and relentlessly-fast-paced digital world.