Ronsdale Authors’ Inspiration Series: Nancy Dyson & Dan Rubenstein

Next up in our new series on Ronsdale authors and what they love to read are Nancy Dyson and Dan Rubenstein. 


Dan and Nacy are co-authors of Ronsdale publication ‘Railroad of Courage’. Dan Rubenstein’s interest in runaway slaves began when he attended a school in an old house which had been part of the Underground Railroad. Dan is a geographer, environmentalist and writer. For more info visit Nancy Dyson studied international development at Vassar College and was deeply concerned about issues of inequality. Later she became an early childhood educator with a special interest in children’s literature. For more info visit Both Dan and Nancy live in Gloucester, Ontario.


We asked Nancy and Dan what inspiration their bookshelves have held over the years and influenced their own writing…


To choose my favourite book is a daunting task! I love to read and I’m thankful for public libraries.  I usually have two or three books on the go.

What I love are…

  1. The classics. I love good stories that are well told, like books by Dickens, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Joseph Conrad, Faulkner and many others. I have read and re-read For Whom the Bell Tolls and I am always moved by the beauty of the language.
  2. Canadian writers like Margaret Laurence, Carol Shields, Alice Munro and Richard Wagamese who explore human complexity through the lives of ordinary people. I love The Diviners.
  3. Non-fiction. I have just finished reading several works by Adam Hochschild, a historian who focuses on social justice issues. Spain in Our Hearts is a wonderful account of the Spanish Civil War.
  4. Children’s literature. What can be better than sharing a good story with a child, exploring the world through the pages of a book?


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I did not start reading until grade five but then I made up for lost time. Right from the start, my reading tastes were eclectic, ranging from classics such as Treasure Island, to non-fiction books like the Microbe Hunters. Like many other boys in the 1950’s, I burned through the Hardy Boys series, eagerly awaiting the next book. My parents were both professors and I had access to a wonderful library at Vassar College. I loved going to library and wandering through the stacks, finding books on whim.

Now my tastes are still eclectic ranging from non-fiction such as Charlotte Gray’s account of the gold rush, Gold Diggers, to classic fiction like Typhoon by Joseph Conrad.


Nancy books








We hope you enjoyed reading about some of Dan and Nancy’s favourite novels! Follow our social media to keep up with our Authors’ Inspirations Series.

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Buy Railroad of Courage here:


About Railroad of Courage


Born on a cotton plantation in South Carolina, twelve-year-old Rebecca knows only slavery. But when Grower Brown decides to sell her father to a plantation downriver, Rebecca convinces her parents to run away with her on the Underground Railroad to Canada. Led by the famous Harriet “Moses” Tubman, the family hides in coffins, rides a handmade raft through alligator-infested waters, and pumps hand cars across Illinois amidst a blizzard. Escaping federal marshals and bounty hunters isn’t easy, but with the help of freed slaves and abolitionists, Rebecca learns there is more to the world than slavery. Even in challenging moments, she finds courage by reminding herself: “I want to live in freedom. I am travelling from midnight to dawn and I won’t stop until I see the sunrise.”


To watch Nancy & Dan read from Railroad of Courage click here:


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