Halloween Mouse

Halloween Mouse

Story by Philip Roy

Art by Lisa Ferguson


  • October 2021
  • print ISBN: 978-1-55380-953-0
  • 9″ x 9″, Full-Colour Hard Cover, 32 pages
  • Children’s Picture Book — Ages 2 and Up

Halloween Mouse is the long-awaited fifth book in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series. Gifting fans with this new and delicious treat for the eyes, artist Lisa Ferguson’s rich and nuanced illustrations express all the fun and humour of ‘All Hallows’ Eve,’ while giving voice to the fresh perspective of the ever-curious Happy, the pocket mouse, who regards the holiday with wonder. What does Halloween mean to a mouse who has never celebrated it before? Imagine Happy’s fright when the next-door neighbour hangs a ghost on her house. Witness his displeasure at the thought of dressing up and walking door-to-door to beg for treats. (What a nuisance! What are treats anyway?) Then, observe the transition in the sweets-loving mouse when he learns that treats mean candy, his very favourite thing. Suddenly, Happy can’t get out the door fast enough! But his best human friend, John, needs a costume, and the only face paint they can find is shoe polish. How can Happy get John ready for trick-or-treating before the other kids take all the candy? And what sort of costume will the little mouse wear? And what happens if you eat too much candy? Join John and Happy for a fun-filled night as John introduces Happy to his very first Halloween.

Other books in the Happy the Pocket Mouse series